
Supporting and Engaging in Advocacy - Legal Tips for Nonprofit Advocate

Picture of Supporting and Engaging in Advocacy - Legal Tips for Nonprofit Advocate
The Bolder Advocacy program at Alliance for Justice provides an overview of nonprofit advocacy legal tips for nonprofits and public/private foundations. KNN Members receive discounted pricing! ($20)
There are many reasons why nonprofit organizations choose to advocate to advance their missions! This introductory webinar with Boulder Advocacy at Alliance for Justice will demystify the IRS rules relating to nonprofit advocacy and will cover: 

• Reasons for nonprofit involvement in public policy advocacy 
• Overview of activities that constitute advocacy and public policy work 
• Yes, You Can! How federal tax law permits lobbying for 501(c)(3) public charities (which includes houses of worship and public foundations) 
• How private and public foundations can support and engage in advocacy 
• Rules for private and public foundation grants to nonprofits that lobby, including general support, specific project, and multi-year grants 
• Kentucky’s laws regarding 501 (c)(3) lobbying.

Presenter:  Boulder Advocacy, Alliance for Justice

KNN Members: $20 (discount applied upon login at checkout)
Potential Members: $40